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The Medical Benevolent Association of NSW-ACT is a registered ACNC charity run by Doctors for Doctors and their families. MBA NSW-ACT provides counselling and short-term financial assistance through times of crisis, illness, accident, mental health conditions, grief and loss of income to help Doctors and their families in NSW and ACT to recover and return to independence and wherever possible their vocation.

Listen to my episode with Executive Officer Louise Fallon to learn more about the work of the MBA NSW-ACT :

Donate to their current appeal :

Thank you to MBA NSW-ACT for all of the work you do to support our colleagues through difficult times and for contributing to this mission aligned non-profit podcast.

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The next key event showcasing Healthcare Workforce Wellbeing leadership, innovation and evidence and actionable strategy will take place in Sydney on Tuesday 30th April. This event will be hosted by Sydney LHD, the first healthcare organisation in Australia to invest in and fund a Chief Medical Wellbeing Officer role, Dr Bethan Richards. Dr Richards and her growing team have over 4-5 years continued to develop, measure, pilot, iterate and advance their organisations' wellbeing strategy and initiatives. She will present the progress and lessons learned to date at Sydney LHD WellMD and MDOK in her keynote "Operationalising Workplace Wellbeing: Insights, Lessons Learned and a Positive Way Forward"

The program includes workshops and breakout sessions exploring core content including wellness centred leadership, peer support, healthy workplaces and evidence and action based crucial work-unit interventions.

I look forward to joining colleagues from across the country invested in this work on the day including a few of our recently appointed interstate CWOs. This event is both FREE to attend and HYBRID format allowing both online and in person registrations.

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Founded in 2022 the national Doctors’ Health Alliance's mission is improving the health of the medical profession for the good of the Australian community.

This Alliance was created by the Australasian Doctors’ Health Network (ADHN) who have collaborated for over 25 years as the key forum for doctors’ health programs across Australia and New Zealand to share resources, research and programs.

The Doctors’ Health Alliance is an independent not-for-profit company with charitable and DGR status. It is overseen by a skills-based board and governance structure that includes a national doctors’ health expert panel to advise on clinical service delivery, training, education and research.

The Alliance is working with every state and territory doctors’ health program to source new inputs, expand clinical networks, training and education and clinical services to isolated doctors. It will continue to strengthen local and national partnerships with organisations such as the AMA, medical colleges, regulators, universities, indemnity providers and government.

The key driving forces behind the Alliance are Executive Officer Kiara Cannizzaro and Chair Dr Roger Sexton. You can hear more from this dream team in our podcast conversation in S3 E10.

The website now provides links and access to many key Doctors' health resources, workshops, webinars and other events. The latest website addition includes a link to relevant podcasts including The Mind Full Medic Podcast. Thank you Roger and Kiara for all of your incredible efforts past, present and ongoing.

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